The Parents
At Encore Havanese we are committed to breeding dogs of the highest caliber. Our breeding program looks at the various elements that go into providing a healthy and well rounded companion for families with wide varieties of interests, ages and environments. We go to extraordinary efforts in attempting to provide Havanese who
enhance the standard and are less prone to genetic health problems.
A great deal of thought goes into reviewing many generations of both of the parents prior to deciding on the eventual mating for a planned litter. Not only do we consider the parents, grandparents and great grandparents, but we also look at litter mates and offspring. This analysis helps us determine if there may be potential health issues
to be aware of or how the planned breeding may improve physical characteristics in the puppies.
All dogs used in our breeding program go through rigorous medical exams including special certifications for hips, knees and hearing (Brain Auditory Evoked Response – BAER) from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA). The BAER test is a safe and painless testing to determine if a dog has a hearing loss. Annual eye exams are conducted according to the Canine Eye Registration Foundation (CERF). Even with established parents, reexaminations are often done to be sure no potential problems are developing that may have been undetected at earlier ages.
The Puppies
There are few joys in the dog world equivalent to bringing a new litter into the world. The Havanese is naturally playful, happy, and loving. Young puppies multiply these characteristics many times over. The early months in a puppy’ s life are the foundation for building trust,
confidence, affection and athleticism.
All of our breeding, whelping and puppy raising takes place in our home…as part of our family. The puppies experience a wide variety of sights, smells, sounds and handling, which lead to well balanced temperaments. The puppies interact with dogs of different sizes, breeds, ages and personalities which goes a long way in benefiting
their individual personality development and pack manners. There is also constant exposure to people of all ages which facilitates the puppies acclimation to new homes and companions.
As the puppies get older, they are allowed greater freedom to explore the house and outdoors…always with human and canine supervision! This is a phase of great entertainment, shenanigans and wonder. They are natural explorers and tireless athletes. It’s a period we love.
Veterinary Attention
When our puppies are around 7-8 weeks old they receive their initial veterinary exam. In parallel they receive inoculations and worming. We are located 10 minutes from our vets with whom we’ve had a 19 year relationship. We have such a strong relation with our vet hospital that phone consultations are not uncommon. Our “after hours” emergency vet is 5 minutes away. For extraordinary health situations we turn to The Veterinary Specialty Hospital of San Diego.