Encore Havanese Puppies

Encore It's Time To Decide - "Twix"

Born on May 9, 2024 

There are 3 boys and 2 girls!

When Twix and Lennon “get together” and make puppies, I know they are going to be very colorful…and this litter lives up to my expectation.

Twix is an experienced Mom, so she was good at starting all the puppies nursing. The puppies’ weights were as expected, they had great appetites, and are squirming around well.

Because my special guy Lennon is the father of this litter, the puppies are very flashy.


May 10, 2024

Even in Southern California, Spring brings new life and colors. Twix has a history of delivering bright and colorful puppies. She also usually has a lot of “red” puppies…just like this litter.

Day 2 napping after breakfast
May 20, 2024

This litter is doing great. They are putting on weight like they should and they now are starting to stand …and wobble. In a few days they will be walking around and it will be even more exciting.

Twix litter + a "sleep over" friend (black & white)
May 22, 2024

Here are Twix’s “bird” puppies. They are all standing and starting to walk. 

Wren - female, red & white
Jay - male, red & white
Twix's 3 boys and 2 girls are only a few hours old
Resting with Mom
Twix is always close by
Robin - male, red
Hawk - male, red & white
Lark - female, dark red

Encore The Chauffeur's Daughter - "Sabrina"

Born on May 12, 2024 

There are 5 girls !

Sabrina was slow and careful delivering her puppies. But once she started she handled it very well. Even being a young mother, once the puppies were all delivered, she settled in nicely to begin her mothering.

Happy and playful Bennett is the father of this litter, so they will have a lot of personality.

May 13, 2024

There was 1 surprise with this litter…the first puppy was twice the size of the others. Everyone is eating well and putting on weight. They will catch-up in size to the big girl.

Rose - female, black & white
Lily - female, cream with tan spots
Daisey - female, red & white, red cheeks
Sabrina takes care of her crew
May 22, 2024

Flowers always brighten things up and add a touch of beauty. Sabrina’s “flowers” do just that. 

Iris - female, cream
Azalea - female, red & white

Amor Encore's Warrior Princess - "Xena"

Born on May 15, 2024 

There are 2 girls and 3 boys!

Xena pulled an “all nighter” having her puppies. She started showing signs of delivery in the late afternoon but didn’t start to deliver until late that night. She and I could not be happier with the way it all turned out.

Bennett is the father of this litter, 


May 22, 2024

We are proud of the variety of trees around our home. I am also proud of Xena’s “trees”, even though 4 of them are tough to tell apart.

Magnolia - female, cream with 2 tan spots
Ash - male, cream
May 17, 2024

After they were all born I realized this is going to be a challenging litter … knowing which cream puppy is who. Each will likely get some unique “highlights”. 

The black puppy is a boy
Willow - female, cream with red ears
Forest - male, black & white
Oakley - male, fawn cream

Father of Twix's Litter

Amor Encore Imagine I'm A Dreamer - "Lennon"

Lennon is an impressive flashy, athletic, and fun loving dog. His conformation and temperament are classic Havanese – good structure and friendly. His father and mother are from Europe which is beneficial having these bloodlines in Encore Havanese dogs.

Father of Sabrina's & Xena's Litters


Amor Encore the Best Is Yet To Come – 


Bennett is a playful and affectionate fellow. He has very good structure and is  always active. He enjoys playing with young or old dogs…and people. When it comes to affection, Bennett loves to give and receive.


For additional information on Havanese or the other 150+ breeds recognized by the AKC, clink on the picture below